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A Commitment To Our Partners

As the ever evolving landscape of North American regulatory legislation continues to change, Kanzaki is committed to ensuring we offer products that are not only compliant with the latest chemical safety standards, but also designed and engineered responsibly, with the intent of improving the overall sustainability of our organization.

Impacts Of Impending Legislation

As new legislation is introduced, converters and laminators must rely on their suppliers ability to stay informed and knowledgeable about the implications of new regulations in various US states. Kanzaki has a team of experts and technicians dedicated to understanding the latest standards and engineering solutions for our partners.

Below are some upcoming regulations that we expect to have direct implications on the direct thermal industry.

CA. BPS, Prop. 65

BPS, a common chemical in direct thermal paper coatings, has been designated as hazardous. Any products being sold into CA containing more than 1 ppm of BPS will require specific hazard labeling, visible at the point of purchase.

STARTING DEC. 29, 2024 

WA. Bisphenol Ban

Products containing Bisphenols (a common chemical compound found in most direct thermal products) above 200 ppm will not be eligible for sale in the state of WA.

STARTING JAN. 1, 2026 

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Your Solution To DT Compliance Concerns

Kanzaki is proud to introduce our Enviro-Compliance Initiative, a growing portfolio of products designed with safer chemistry and increased sustainability to remain compliant for sale in all 50 states. When you see the Enviro-Compliance DT label on one of our product info sheets, it indicates:

  • Utilizes Patent Pending No-Phenol-Added Direct Thermal Chemistry.

  • Compliant In All 50 States. (Includes: CA, Prop 65 and WA Bisphenol ban)

  • Engineered with Environmental Health and Safety In Mind.

  • Designed for Reduced Waste & Increased Sustainability.

This is an on-going initiative with a strategic timeline of products slated to launch between 2024-2026. Sign up below to receive email updates about new products and other helpful information related to regulatory legislation and compliance in the Direct Thermal Industry.

Learn More & Receive New Product Updates!

Understanding Our Terminology

As regulations are implemented and the market reacts, new terminology is continually introduced to facilitate the conversations and marketing of product developments taking place in response to new regulations. One example of this is the term "Phenol Free" emerging in the direct thermal market in recent years. This has been in response to expanding regulations limiting the use of Bisphenols, like (BPA, BPS amongst others). 

Below we explain why Kanzaki is choosing to use the term "No-Phenols-Added" in place of "Phenol-Free".


  • “No-Phenols-Added" is synonymous with “phenol-free" as used by other DT suppliers.

  • Indicates that no phenols were intentionally added during the manufacturing process. This is a more accurate and defensible statement.

  • Using this term could potentially decrease liability exposure, compared to stating “phenol free.”



  • Use of “Phenol-Free” is common industry jargon in the thermal paper industry, but is chemically inaccurate in describing the current state of affairs.

  • Thermal paper manufacturing involves many chemicals and upstream raw materials which could contain detectable levels of Phenolic compounds that are not hazards or restricted by regulations.  

  • The WA state bisphenol ban prohibits only bisphenols that are "intentionally added", acknowledging the impossibility behind the idea of eliminating all phenols as a contaminant completely.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Kanzaki has a dedicated Environmental Department that diligently screens every supplier and every raw material that we include in the production of our products. We are required by California State Law to disclose any use of chemicals listed under California Prop. 65 in our products.

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